If you think that you are awesome and highly skillful, it must be driving you nuts that nobody has had an interest in hiring you. Well, there could be several reasons for this, and one is that you may not seem as awesome as you are in your online job application. It is a sad truth that there are so many job seekers out there who just can’t find a way to give a good impression to employers due to the things they say and don’t say as well as they apply for a job. To help you get it right on your coming job applications, here are some of the mistakes you should avoid.
1. You look as if you were a job hopper.
Everything you put in your application letter reflects who you are as a person and an employee. If you have on your past jobs list those positions you held for just a month or two, you will be in trouble. Of course, no company will be confident in hiring someone who can’t seem to stay long in his job.
What you can do is to delete all the jobs in your profile that lasted below three months. If you think you have a less impressive work history, you can make use of the “Tell Us About Yourself” section to give a brief explanation of why you were not able to stay in a job for a long time.
2. You don’t act like you are interested in the job.
As a job seeker, there is no excuse for you not to return the calls of prospective employers. Keep in mind that employers don’t wait for a particular job applicant to respond to them as there are many others out there just waiting for their call. Once you get a message from the human resources department of an interested employer, it is so wrong to think that they may call you once again. Make sure they will feel that you really like the job and will do everything to get it.
3. You seem too weird.
Although you may have all the skills and experience required to get a particular job, these will be of no use if you start to freak out the hiring manager. When posting an online profile, make sure that the email address you will use sounds formal and see to it also that the photo you are going to post looks professional. Of course you don’t have to pretend to be someone else, but it is really improper for you to show off all your tattoos on your profile picture.
4. You are careless.
You may not know this, but many employers simply dump job applications that are full of typos. You need not be a spelling champ, but the simple spelling or typing mistakes that will appear in your application letter can definitely give employers the impression that you are careless. When you write your online profile and your job application letter, try to have someone else read it. This way, it will be easier for to come up with a flawless and impressive profile and application.
Things You Must Not Do When Applying For A Job Online
Monday, November 25, 2013
human resources department